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A Cross Sectional Survey Study to find out the role of Avarana as a diagnostic tool in General Practice with special reference to Madhumeha

Journal: Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (Vol.2, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 7-11

Keywords : Avarana; Madhumeha; Samprapti ghataka; Dosha vighatana;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Srotas and Avarana are essential factors of Samprapti of almost all the Nija roga. Avarana is an underestimated and neglected aspect of Roga Samprapti. Therefore a survey study was conducted to gather data about understanding of Avarana w.s.r. to Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus). A dully prepared questionnaire pro forma on Avarana have been proposed and send it to 83 Ayurvedic doctors from NIA & across India to collect data. Questionnaire included choices of different samprapti ghataka like Agni, Dosha, Dushya, Srotasa, Ama, Avarana, Nidana and response against question “Is Avarana an important samprapti ghataka in day to day practice? On a small study of NIA it was found that 39.76% consultants included Avarana, 66.27% included dosha vighatana, 56.63% included dushya, 54.22% included Agni 53.01% included Ama, 48.19% included srotasa and 36.15% included nidana as a samprapti ghataka for diagnosing the disease in day to day practice. Response against question Is Avarana an important samprapti ghataka in day to day practice 62 (74.70%) consultants answered Yes, but Avarana the records show that only 28 (33.74%) were using Avarana as an important samprapti ghataka, 11 (13.25%) were seeing daily >10 patients in their OPD/IPD and 18 (21.69%) were unable to explain why Avarana should be an important samprapti ghataka. Out of rest 21 (25.30%) answered No, 14 (16.87%) were unable to explain their response & 7 (8.43%) cited difficulty in understanding Avarana in diagnosis in day to day practice. On an average it was found that 33.41% patients were consulted in OPD and 2.43% in IPD. Most of the consultants use only 7 samprapti ghataka for diagnosis of diseases. 62 (74.70%) consultants answered ‘Yes’ in response to question (Is Avarana an important samprapti ghataka in day to day practice?), but no satisfactory explanation was given.

Last modified: 2016-05-05 14:27:19