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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.101, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 30-38

Keywords : aesthetic experience; marginalization; modernism; postmodernism; art.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. The proposed article deals with the problem of marginalization of aesthetic experience. Investigation of marginalization of aesthetic experience is relevant in the context of the transformation of modern art that reveals the fundamental shift in the moral, spiritual and existential sphere of human existence. Review of scientific sources on the chosen topic proves that analysis of historical foundations of aesthetic experience marginalization is not included in the priorities of most authors. Among domestic scientists conceptual research of aesthetic experience transformations and analysis of its reflection in contemporary art as well as at the level of philosophical reflection can be found in the works of M. Shkepu and O. Bosenko. The article aims to draw attention to some relevant aspects of aesthetic experience of marginalization in the context of contemporary art. Materials and methods. Critical and historical approaches and the principle of coincidence of historical and logical were applied to investigate the specificity of aesthetic experience of transformations. Results. Development trends of the artistic and aesthetic consciousness of the XX ? early XXI century indicate not only the limitations or even exhaustion of figurative-expressive language of classical art, but about the deep crisis of aesthetic consciousness in general. Contemporary art, engaging not in artistic and imaginative reflection of reality but crea?teation of an infinite number of simulacra, deepens the processes of marginalization. The so-called "art space" is extremely broad space of simulation ? sense, life and even aesthetic pleasure. Non-reflection, monologue, "tight" postmodern art does not show any prospects for human development, and aesthetic thought do not conceptualize them. Unlike classical aesthetic consciousness, which made emphasis on the essential perspectives of reality, modern aesthetic consciousness is marginalized and focuses on the boundary condition, on changes occurring in her psyche and its existence. Conclusion. The study may be part in understanding modern aesthetic experience, in the formation of which the author sees signs of marginalization, as evidenced by a significant number of asocial and antisocial phenomena based on it and are reflected in contemporary art.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 20:17:15