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Free Legal Services in Libraries

Journal: Naukovì pracì Nacìonalʹnoï bìblìoteki Ukraïni ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo (Vol.46, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 260-273

Keywords : Legal information centers public reception citizens’ access points free legal aid.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article deals with the features of the provision of legal information by libraries within the context of modern civil society needs. Customers of information and analytical products of the National Law Library of Ukraine are administrative structures, scientific institutions, and public organizations. In pursuance of the important mission of legal education, the Yaroslav Mudry National Library of Ukraine established the Legal Information Center, whose activities are aimed at the full access to the legal literature of the Yaroslav Mudry National Library of Ukraine and providing access to electronic resources of legal content. The main objective of the Center is to expand the possibilities of citizens free access to legal information, and to improve service processes using legal resources on the basis of both traditional and new library and information technologies. Special attention is paid to the regional and district libraries, which help to get free legal advice, in particular to аntiterrorist operation fighters, hold literature on legal issues, and also help users with the selection of legal literature.

Last modified: 2019-02-27 22:53:57