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The structure of the management competence of the head of the educational institution in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.9, No. 38)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 113-132

Keywords : managerial competence; head; management; structure of managerial competence; control component.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The managerial competence of the manager is understood as the integral ability to build up their progressive professional development with constant complication of tasks and increasing levels of achievement in the process of preparation in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. This kind of competency implies the formation of the following basic competencies in the heads of educational institutions: the awareness of their own actions in accordance with the goals and conditions of future professional activity; the ability to define strategy and organize the activities of the educational institutions they will manage; stimulating interest of future subordinates in pedagogical activity and establishing contacts with them on a humanistic basis; the ability to find non-standard approaches in the management decision-making process; striving for perfection of pedagogical activity. The essence and content of the concept of " managerial competence & quot; as a systemic phenomenon from various scientific positions is revealed in scientific intelligence. Structural components and technologies of forming of managerial competence are analyzed. It is determined that the managerial competence of the modern head of the educational institution involves: awareness of the needs, interests and values orientations for management activity; assessment of professionally important qualities and regulation on this basis of their professional development. Emphasis is placed on approaches that determine the structure of managerial competence, the main of which are: functional-role (the main units of which are managerial functions, managerial roles, measurement of management behavior) and personality-activity (these are motives, goals, personal meaning and personal meaning) which include complex relationships and transitions) approaches that directly affect the professionalism of the head of an educational institution in the system of postgraduate teacher education.It is proposed to distinguish such components in the structure of managerial competence of the head of educational institution, which is connected with management process: economic, marketing, planning and forecasting, strategic, organizational, control, information-analytical. The basic types of management that contribute to the optimization of the structure of managerial competence in the system of professional development and professional level of the head of the educational establishment are identified.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 16:31:42