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Refilater-3D Printing Filament Extruder

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 10523-10530

Keywords : Shredder; HDPA; Extruder; Hopper; Spooler; Guider;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Reuse and disposal of 3D printing and prototyping waste is a major issue to all users of the device and designers alike, hence it is necessary to treat the generated plastic waste. Here we propose a solution to this recycling issue with a product that can recycle and output new filament from the existing waste filaments and plastic wastes of selected materials. The device can also produce new filament from the proper type of materials which ensures the recycling of plastic waste. The machine is a major link of closed loop recycling where the plastic used to make the filament is converted back to filament hence not producing or requiring extra plastic. The project also aims to produce recycled 3D filament which can be sold commercially as a product to, designers and makers and all creative minds at a relatively less cost. This is done by firstly sorting the plastic into its types like PET, HDPE etc, next the plastic is color sorted and then shredded to thin particles, and is transferred to the heating and extruding block which extrudes the plastic without causing anyfumes. The main innovative part of the product is its ability to spool the extruded filament automatically without human aid. This means that the filament is fed automatically to thespooler and is spooled by the mechanism that automatically adjusts the tension of the filament and spools it and cuts off the spooler when no more filament comes out of the extruder. Hence the recycled filament is a takeaway product which can directly be used as a raw material for the printer. Here We see that the waste filament and selected materials of plastic is converted to useful filament in one continuous process which itself is the aim of the project.

Last modified: 2020-10-10 14:38:25