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Research of psychological competence of pedagogical workers of establishments of professional (professional-technical) education institutions

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.14, No. 43)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 122-138

Keywords : social perception; gender features of teachers; student 's personality; pedagogical activity; psychological thinking.;

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This article examines the study of psychological competence of teachers of establishments of professional (professional – technical) education institutions. The urgency of the problem of development of psychological competence of teachers of modern professional institutions is substantiated. According to the doctrine of development of Ukraine, an important trend in the results of professional training is the formation of psychological competence of teachers. The problem of the teacher's personality as a subject of educational activity, psychologically competent and capable of self-development, has taken a central place in pedagogical psychology. Trends in the democratization and humanization of education require the expansion and specification of psychological training of teachers, which makes it possible to explore his psychological competence. Formation of professional competence of the teacher is formation of a complex of knowledge, abilities, skills. In the traditional system of education, this is done in the process of theoretical (lectures, seminars, etc.) and practical (laboratory and practical classes, practices, etc.) training. Psychological competence of a teacher is one of the internal tools of successful professional activity and is a special mental education of the individual, which includes psychological knowledge, psychological thinking and a system of practical skills and abilities of interpersonal influence. Psychological thinking, as well as the ability to design and create psychological constructs are professionally important qualities of a vocational school teacher. An important component of psychological competence is the problem of social perception. In this process, an important role belongs to the socio-psychological observation, which is an integrative characteristic of personality and consists of cognitive processes, includes life and professional experience of the individual, his reflexive-perceptual skills, formed, like any skills in general, based on existing knowledge. Nowadays, the problem of the teacher's understanding of the student's personality acquires special significance in connection with the humanization of the educational process and the search for ways to optimize it.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 19:33:08