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Journal: International Journal of Management (IJM) (Vol.11, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1134-1141

Keywords : diamond market; gems; jewelry; De Beers; Alrosa; international trade; mineral resource industry; diamond market structure; investment appraisal; sectoral forecasts.;

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The paper considers the structure of the world diamond market. The current situation of the countries with a dominant position in the production of diamonds is surveyed. The analysis of the dynamics of production by countries is carried out, the factors of development of the industry and resource capabilities of individual states are# identified. The factors of supply and demand in the markets of brilliants and diamonds are assessed. Forecasts of technology development and trade are given in conjunction with the expansion of the presence of large diamond mining companies in developing countries. The impact of synthetic diamonds on the industry is assessed, and their future market share change is forecast. A comprehensive analysis of the structure of rough diamonds export is carried out, and supplies in natural units and in terms of value to various countries are determined. The conclusions about the threats, constraints and opportunities of development of the Russian diamond industry are drawn. The risks of fall in demand for rough diamonds over the next five years are analyzed. The conclusions concerning the possibility of expansion of diamond production in Russia, as well as the development of a diamond processing cluster in the Far East have been obtained. The set of external and internal factors of development of the world's largest manufacturers of diamonds and brilliants is assessed in a consistent manner. The relationship between the current margin level of the diamond business and the prospects for its long-term development is evaluated. A forecast and assessment of the investment attractiveness of the Russian diamond industry is given on the basis of a combination of factors that have a multidirectional effect.

Last modified: 2021-01-23 15:51:27