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Theoretical fundamentals of the concept «attitude of personality to reality»

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.15, No. 44)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 65-77

Keywords : personality; attitude; installation; social attitudes; component;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article is devoted to highlighting the theoretical aspects of the problem of the relationship of the individual to reality. On this topic, a scientific and methodological basis for the development of domestic and foreign researchers in this area was analyzed and given. In order to better understand the features of this problem, for a start, we presented a separate interpretation of the concept of relationship, which is the basis for the research base and reveals the internal position on what. On the basis of this concept, the following concepts were characterized: personality attitude, social attitude and attitude, in a certain sense, are essentially similar concepts. For a more detailed compilation of knowledge, it was necessary to consider and analyze the classification of personality relationships, includes 3 components of the personality relationship. It has been established that one of the important aspects of the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the concept of the relationship of personality to reality is the disclosure of the functions of the system of relationships associated with internal changes that occur in the human psyche through his relationship to the external world and to himself. They are the driving force that shapes their consciousness and behavior. Also, in the study, it is worth paying attention to the existing peculiar relationship between attitudes and needs, interests, motives, emotions and abilities of a person. In the course of our research, scientific sources were studied and generalized and the concept and features of attitudes (attitude) were presented by foreign researchers in the field of psychology, its structural components and functions are closely intertwined with domestic works. As a result of this scientific study, we have established and generalized the theoretical basis of views and opinions on the problem of the relationship of the individual to reality, which is an urgent problem, because it shows what affects the internal state of a person and his external manifestation

Last modified: 2021-03-05 21:57:25