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Some aspects of formation and implementation of state regulatory policy (on the example of the United States of America)

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.15, No. 44)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 206-220

Keywords : public administration; state regulatory policy (SRP); US experience in regulatory activities; regulatory legal act; appeal of regulatory decision;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article analyzes some aspects of the processes of formation and implementation of state regulatory policy (SRP) on the example of the United States of America. The study indicates that a systems approach is more common for public administration and local self-government, but we should not forget about the opportunity for business, experts and citizens to influence the processes of SRP. In Ukraine, as well as in the United States, Great Britain, or, for example, China, the processes of formation and implementation of state regulatory policy are divided into regulatory areas, regulatory bodies and levels of regulation. And if the areas of regulation in most countries coincide (due to the globalization of the economy), the regulatory capabilities of the levels of public administration differ significantly in different countries. Thus, in general, in Ukraine the principles of formation of SRP at different levels of government (state, regional and local level) and the adoption of appropriate management decisions have similar features and certain differences. In the United States, there are two almost separate regulatory systems – at the federal level and the state level (municipalities, counties). At the federal level, only those regulatory influences are assessed that are assigned to the federal level of government (ensure the safety of life and health of citizens, are responsible for managing the national economy or overseeing national security). At the same time, there is a very decentralized structure of regulatory influence at the local level, so each state (or local government) has its own powers to make regulatory decisions in any area of management, if this area does not belong to the federal level. At the local level, there are certain «over-regulation», such as zoning, where individual and local governments (municipalities, counties) establish rules for land use or development and «indirectly» manage privately owned real estate. However, there are positive examples of federal level where legal regulatory act can be appealed in court at the stage of discussion of the project. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of repealing ineffective regulations that have already been implemented. Therefore, effective formation, implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness of state regulatory policy should be done only with the involvement of a wide range of experts in the field of regulation, as well as stakeholders and beneficiaries of this regulation. Can use the experience of the United States, but take only those examples that have proven their effectiveness and efficiency

Last modified: 2021-03-05 22:13:18