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Decentralized information platforms as a tool of public governance modernization

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.15, No. 44)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 233-274

Keywords : digital platform; decentralized information platform; modernization; public governance; technology-based humanism;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This paper offers the author's presentation of such a relatively new technological and organizational phenomenon as a “decentralized information platform” being a new and useful tool for public governance modernization. To that end, the paper gives this new concept the first definition as well as theoretical justification for the consequences of taking into account the key features of decentralized information platform for the public governance needs. The logic of presenting the information covers five interrelated tasks: 1) to create a logical scheme for semantic representation of the «decentralized information platform» concept; 2) to prove that the «centralized information platform» phenomenon is derived from a wider phenomenon of «information platform»; 3) to define six key features of theoretical construction of decentralized information platforms and three practical managerial features of DIP to be taken into account when public governance is being modernized; 4) to compare the key features of centralized and decentralized information platforms, and 5) to provide a theoretical description of framework for representing the «decentralized information platform» as a public governance modernization tool as well as a new important factor influencing the public relations. Conclusions have been made that: 1) decentralized information platforms have an extensive potential and can be considered as a very promising tool for modernization of public governance as a system. In particular, this refers to forming proactive impact on a citizen, on the one that has the ability and capacity to take active part in day-to-day activities of the government due to the development of a new democratic model using tools provided by electronic democracy; 2) it is suggested that the «decentralized information platform» means a kind of an information resource management system based on distributed ledger technologies, which consists of an infrastructure of services and a community of independent participants possessing either equal rights or pre-identified rights granted according to the levels of decentralized governance model to assure such a system stable; 3) the important task of civil society and renewed public governance system will soon lie in studying new political and social dimensions in order to integrate applications of the latest breakthrough technologies, such as blockchain, with civil rights, equality, social cohesion, inclusion and public sector security. Such integration is very important, and it cannot be left to the discretion of (anti-) political engineering of IT experts, financial investors and political populists as it truly requires mature and interdisciplinary efforts from all areas of human knowledge with special attention paid to political theory and social sciences to assess risks, advantages and results of new technologies in the best way possible

Last modified: 2021-03-05 22:16:32