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Pedagogical conditions for development of lyceum teachers’ professional culture in the methodical work system

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.17, No. 46)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 161-175

Keywords : professional culture development; lyceum teachers; methodical work system; pedagogical conditions; psychological and pedagogical environment; educational and methodical innovation.;

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The article formulates and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the development of professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work. It is determined that the pedagogical conditions for the development of professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work is a purposefully created psychological and pedagogical environment that promotes the development of pedagogical culture of teachers as a professional activity in innovative educational environment and a set of measures (means, objective opportunities), that ensure the achievement of the goal. The pedagogical conditions for the development of professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work include: unification and integration of methodological activities for the development of professional culture of lyceum teachers by creating a centre (platform) that develops and plans this activity, manages it and constantly monitors performance; creation on the basis of this platform of the educational and methodical environment which motivates and stimulates lyceum teachers to development of professional culture; organization thanks to this platform of effective exchange of experience between lyceums, methodical developments in certain fields of knowledge; active involvement of lyceum teachers in getting acquainted with the achievements of advanced educational and methodological innovation. Substantiation and development of pedagogical conditions is based on the provisions of systematic and competency-based scientific approaches. The system approach allows defining pedagogical conditions of development of professional culture of lyceums teachers as integral system. Due to the competence approach, the professional culture of lyceum teachers is considered as a set of certain competencies. The developed system of pedagogical conditions creates the necessary basis for the development of professional culture of lyceum teachers in the system of methodical work

Last modified: 2021-10-21 20:01:03