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Readiness of teachers to use augmented reality in the educational process

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.21, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 144-177

Keywords : readiness of the teacher; institution of general secondary education; augmented reality technologies; AR; teaching aids; digital content; educational process;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article presents a study of the current state of readiness and attitude of teachers at secondary schools in Ukraine to the use of augmented reality in the educational process. It was found that 90% of respondents know or have heard of AR technology, but only a quarter of them had previous experience using it. Usually, teachers used AR in the process of self-education, visualization of information during the explanation of new material, and creating a situation of enthusiasm and interest of students in studying the subject. More than half of the respondents have an unambiguously positive attitude towards the use of augmented reality in the learning process, and another third consider its use in individual classes to be appropriate. 92,7% – expressed a desire to improve their level of professional skill and master the use of augmented reality in their professional activities, in particular – 90% of teachers are interested in its use, 48,4% are ready to study remotely, and about 80% – expect a positive effect of this technology on educational achievements and motivation of students in the process of mastering the educational material. Virtually all educators agree that AR technology could find its application in all educational subjects and be integrated into all relevant teaching aids or types of visualization (textbooks, atlases, manuals, posters, cards, workbooks, contour maps, worksheets). 85,8% of teachers need to develop new AR applications for the subjects they teach because the existing samples are either insufficient or they do not meet the needs of the educational process. Examining digital content with augmented reality, which is advisable to use in such applications, the respondents preferred 3D models of spatial objects, simulated 3D scenarios of natural processes and phenomena, simulations of scientific experiments, animations, and holograms. Among the main characteristics that AR technologies should meet, the teachers primarily attributed the following: availability for downloading to students' mobile devices; high-quality graphics, images, animations, and videos; the possibility of cloud storage of work results; scientific validity and compliance with terminology, laws, formulas, rules; intuitive for use by students; quality of images and their correspondence to real objects

Last modified: 2022-10-11 15:45:24