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Patriotism as a philosophical category: coffee philosophy

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 82-94

Keywords : patriotism; patriotic education; patriotic consciousness; philosophy of coffee; philosophy of patriotism;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article is devoted to the consideration of the philosophical aspect of the concept of "patriotism" and related definitions, which became the subject of discussion at the classes of the scientific cadet group "Philosophy of coffee" of the Danube Institute of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy". It is noted in the work that the cadets studied, analyzed and determined the essence of many concepts that play an important role in the formation of national self-awareness and citizenship of the cadets, and their essential features were highlighted. Thus, the conclusion was reached that true patriotism by its nature is a feeling aimed at protection, it is not characterized by an aggressive nature. It was determined that patriotism is a special spiritual value, as it acts as a guarantor of unity, harmonization of modern Ukrainian society, preservation of its identity and cultural originality in the conditions of globalization of world society. The cadets determined that the concept of patriotism is broad enough and does not come down to just a sense of duty to the Motherland. Patriotism is one of the components of the moral and cultural level of personality development, which is part of the process of forming feelings, views, beliefs, and worldview. The prerequisites for the emergence of patriotism in Ukraine were also discussed at the classes of the "Coffee Philosophy" group. The cadets made reports about the emergence of patriotic consciousness in the appeals of Volodymyr Monomakh to reconcile with the princes for the unification of the Russian land; about Pyotr Sahaidachny's naval achievements in the fight against the Turkish Empire; about the patriotism of maritime border guards on Zmiiny Island in our times, etc. Thus, as the analysis shows, there is no single approach to defining the essence of patriotism. Moreover, a one-sided approach to the interpretation of this phenomenon – as subjective or objective, individual or general, social – is quite wrong. It was determined that patriotism is a personal quality of a person that determines a special attitude to the Motherland, which is manifested in the corresponding feelings, beliefs, ideas that the individual is concerned with the interests, aspirations, needs, ideals of his people, realizing his national uniqueness and originality.

Last modified: 2023-03-06 20:56:56