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The main directions of distance education of students in higher education institutions

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 95-107

Keywords : modern teacher; integration; globalization; distance training; education.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Compared to traditional forms of education, distance education optimally develops students' independence, activity, awareness, and creativity, effectively solves the strategic issues facing modern teacher training in the information society. The irreplaceable role and place of increasing the quality and effectiveness of higher education also highlight the relevance of distance education. It is also advantageous in terms of creating the same opportunity for them to study regardless of their place of residence, health status, the standard of living and financial support. On the other hand, distance education is also very profitable financially. It allows you to study without incurring additional costs (transport, housing and other expenses). It is these indicated factors that indicate the importance and relevance of the topic chosen for research. Integration into the world, globalization, rapid processes of information lead to significant changes in all spheres of modern society and increase the role of human capital as the main factor in the successful development of the state. Changes in the education system, especially in higher education, led to the need for talented, competitive specialists who can meet the needs of society and the state, along with their self-education, the issue of informatization of education. The application of distance education technologies in all areas was in the focus of attention of national leader Heydar Aliyev many years ago and in connection with this, he adopted the “National Strategy for information and communication technologies for the development of the Republic of Azerbaijan” covering 2003–2012 [5]. As a continuation of this, the announcement of 2013 by the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev as the “Year of Information-communication technologies” in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the foundation of the University of Information Technologies is one of the steps aimed at informatization of society and, accordingly, the training of competent and competent specialists. At the same time, starting from 2007–2008, the use of electronic testing technologies for innovative development of Education, current and final assessment of the quality of education was started at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. At the joint initiative of the administrative, professor and teaching staff, technical specialists of the university, the conduct of test exams has become more organized, which allowed students to more accurately test their knowledge using electronic resources. In addition, the experience of Azerbaijan on the informatization of education was presented at the “ITU World Telecom 2009” forum held in Geneva from October 5 to 9, 2009. At the events held in connection with this forum representatives of many countries were given information about the creation of the Azerbaijan Education Network (AZEDUNET), Information and Resource Center, “Electronic School”, as well as the National Education Program, and the achievements of the country in the field of application of information technologies were demonstrated. The transition to the information society makes the problem of the formation of modern thinking in the new generation even more urgent, creates the need for fundamental changes in education and creates a fundamental basis for students' adaptation to education and strengthening of distance learning tendencies. In modern conditions, young personnel must not only master the knowledge of their specialty, but also master the latest achievements of science and technology, be able to use distance education tools, and search for new sources of information to improve themselves every day

Last modified: 2023-03-06 20:58:44