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Consideration of physiological and anatomical features of adolescents in teaching biology

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 108-122

Keywords : physiology; anatomy; training; education; process; activity; student; teacher; adolescence; organism; features;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


After the independence of Azerbaijan, the measures taken in the direction of the democratization of our society opened wide opportunities for the emergence of modern ideas in the field of education, the study of international experience, and the renewal of education in terms of form and content. Education is a sacred area for our people, so education should always be at the forefront of our state. This is confirmed by the historical period in which we live. One of the main tasks today is to seriously engage in the training and education of teenagers. From this point of view, every teacher should deeply master the regularities of growth and development processes, which reflect the main direction of children's and teenagers' life activities, and establish appropriate teacher-student relationships, thus, only educators who know the anatomy and physiology of the child's body at the appropriate level can improve the efficiency of training in addition to developing their mental abilities. In various learning situations, the teacher must be able to choose the appropriate tool to achieve success. Taking into account the features characteristic of each age period of students in the training process, if training strategies are used correctly in teaching the subject, it is possible to eliminate the states of mental fatigue in students, develop their thinking and research skills, and increase interest in education. Such an approach to education develops students' thinking abilities and the ability to independently acquire knowledge. Important tasks are set before educational institutions in this direction. It is known that the volume and content of the material given in the training process is massive, that is, the students' abilities are not taken into account. Recently, modern training technologies are applied without conducting physiological studies. Taking into account the essence of the changes occurring in the body of students, emotionality, frenzy, impatience typical of adolescence, some teachers' failure to take into account the individual character of the brain's analysis-synthesis ability and integrative activity lead to tension both in the learning process and in the teacher-student relationship

Last modified: 2023-03-06 21:00:33