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Experience of the United States of America concerning counting misinformation and possibility its use in Ukraine

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.27, No. 56)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 105-125

Keywords : misinformation; foreign experience in countering disinformation; fake information warfare; cyber security; cyberspace;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article analyzes the experience USA of combating disinformation based on the functioning of the main actors of the US cyberspace. The positive features of the USA related to countering disinformation are identified, namely: conscious and clearly formed understanding of the scope of the disinformation problem; cooperation between different sectors in countering disinformation; effective digital education of citizens, fact-checking and disinformation monitoring; the availability of effective tools and technologies that contribute to the strengthening of cyber protection. An analysis of the activities of government institutions USA and agencies in the field of cyber security was carried out. It is indicated that one of the key aspects of the American experience in countering disinformation is the active role of the government in identifying, analyzing and dispelling disinformation. It is emphasized that the USA has enormous financial, technological, scientific, technical and military potential, and also pays considerable attention to strengthening national security, protection of citizens' rights and commercial interests in the information sphere. It is noted that the general public task for the USA, which requires joint efforts, is the aggressive policy of Russia and the strengthening of Russian disinformation and propaganda. The possibilities of using the mentioned experience of the American state in Ukraine in such areas as: ensuring transparency in media activities, strengthening international cooperation in the field of cyber security, strengthening critical thinking among citizens and forming media resilience especially in the conditions of Russian intervention, creating and ensuring effective functioning of the Agency have been identified (Center) for countering disinformation, adopting technological solutions for the purpose of identifying and removing disinformation influences, regulating social networks and platforms that spread fakes, rumors and disinformation, establishing and developing the domestic legislation system related to combating disinformation, etc. It has been proven that the fight against disinformation should contribute to the strengthening of democracy, freedom of speech and information security, and the experience of the USA in the field of information management and technologies to fight against disinformation is relevant in today's conditions for Ukraine

Last modified: 2024-02-21 18:06:10