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Competitiveness of agricultural enterprises: factors of increasing based on innovative determinants

Journal: European Scientific e-Journal (Vol.32, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 22-37

Keywords : enterprise competitiveness; product competitiveness; innovation; innovative transformations; agriculture enterprises; factors;

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The article examines the key factors of improving the agricultural enterprise's competitiveness based on innovative determinants. The study object is agricultural enterprises, their activities and management processes. The study subject is the analysis of innovative factors and determinants that influence the increase in the agricultural enterprises' competitiveness. The study aims to research the factors of increasing competitiveness, innovative development, and agricultural enterprises' innovation activity conditions. To implement the study, the works of О.S. Litvinov, P.V. Kumanova, L.M. Pronko, K.S. Tokar, V.H. Hranovska, O.P. Khaietska, I.V. Honcharuk, I.V. Tomashuk, О.H. Shpykuliak, L.І. Kurylo, I. Farida, D. Setiawan were used. The main attention is paid to the need to develop and implement an innovative strategy to improve the efficiency of the agricultural enterprises' functioning. The “competitiveness” and “innovation” existing concepts are analyzed, particularly in the context of functioning enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy. The theoretical and practical aspects of competitiveness, including factors influencing the ability of enterprises to withstand competitive pressure, are considered. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between innovation activity and the level of competitiveness, like strategic approaches to introducing new technologies and management methods to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector. The authors present a factors list helping to increase agricultural enterprises' competitiveness and analyze their impact on forming competitive advantages and intensifying innovation processes in the industry. It is proved that innovations play a key role in strengthening the competitive position of agricultural enterprises, contributing to their stable development and adaptation to changes in the market. In particular, it is determined that introducing new technologies and methods of economic activity contributes to increasing production efficiency, reducing costs, and improving product quality. This allows agricultural enterprises to be more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, and quickly adapt to changes in consumer preferences and market conditions. The study results can be used to formulate recommendations for implementing an innovation strategy at agricultural enterprises to increase their competitiveness and ensure sustainable development.

Last modified: 2024-12-09 18:45:18