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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.101, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 35-43

Keywords : internal market; industrial potential; non-food products; systematic; engineering; competition policy.;

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Background. Domestic market is seen as a powerful resource for economic development. The essence of modern problematic situation in the domestic market is minimized supply of goods of domestic production and increased import component. The cause of the problem and ways of its solution can be found in the plane of industrial development. The aim of the study is assessment of the internal market from the point of presence of the domestic products. Materials and methods. During the studydata from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and scientific work on the development of the internal market and industrial potential of Ukraine were used. The method of analysis and synthesis, systematic approach to identifying the main causes of the insufficient presence in the domestic market of consumer goods produced domestically have been used. Results. It was found that the main causes of the negative trend to reduce the presence of non-food products on the domestic market are the dominance of smuggling and shadow economy, the elimination or degradation of many basic technologies and industries that are the foundation of modern goods, ill-considered competition policy, which manifests itself in unequal competitive conditions domestic and foreign producers. Conclusion. It is proposed to introduce an effective state economic policy aimed at supporting and protecting manufacturing industries with high added value and low power consumption, namely machinery and light industry.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 19:48:30