Archived Papers for Proceeding
Third International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Dr. Jacek Stando
ISBN: 978-0-9891305-4-7
Date: 2014-03-18 - 2014-03-20
Conference Venue:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- A Design-Based Research Approach for the Development of a Framework for English Language EducationAuthors: Sei Sumi; Thomas Schalow
- Mood-Driven Pervasive and Personal Learning Environment Model for Autistic LearnersAuthors: Thelma Palaoag
- Next Generation Technology and the Net Generation: The Case of a Malaysian Private Higher Education InstitutionAuthors: Cheryl Withaneachi;Hazrina Johari;Praveen Balakrishnan Nair
- Study of the Availability and Awareness of E-services in Higher Education in LibyaAuthors: Zainab A. Elmabruk Abdelsadeq;Shaharudin Ismail;Zul Hilmi Abdullah
- An Examination Question Paper Preparation System with Content-Style Separation and Bloom's Taxonomy CategorisationAuthors: Kah Ming Boon
- Asynchronous Online Discussions: Perceptions on Second Language Reading, Writing, and Critical ThinkingAuthors: Rachid Bendriss
- Distance Education and On-campus Students' Perceptions of Collaborative Learning in EngineeringAuthors: Sivachandran Chandrasekaran;Guy Littlefair;Matthew Joordens;Alex Stojcevski
- Teachers' Conceptions and Approaches to Blended Learning: A Literature ReviewAuthors: Vicki Caravias
- Technology Mediated Learning and the Development of Higher Order Cognitive Skills: Using Activity Theory to Analyze the Actors in the Instructional Environment at Makerere University in UgandaAuthors: Walimbwa Michael;Godfrey Mayende
- Energy Literacy of Secondary Students in Taiwan: A Computer-based AssessmentAuthors: Kuan-Li Chen;Su-Han Huang;Shiang-Yao Liu;Po-Hsi Chen
- Automatic Stepwise Correctness Assessment of Constructed Mathematical Response SchemesAuthors: Nuru Izzah Othman;Zainab Abu Bakar;Arsmah Ibrahim
- A Proposal Model of developing Intelligent Tutoring Systems based on Mastery LearningAuthors: Usama M. Abdelsalam
- Meeting our students where they live through Distance Education: Designing, implementing and teaching online library research classesAuthors: James Thull
- Study on Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum Based on Blended Learning-Take Course "Investments" Teaching Practice as ExampleAuthors: Wu Yi
- Partnerships in Faculty Development for Online LearningAuthors: Stephen P. Hundley
- Teaching Case Studies in a Blended Learning Setting -Experiences from a Practical ExampleAuthors: Katja Zeidler
- Creating Student-Centered Online CoursesAuthors: Anita Samuel
- Ethics of Computing: A Suggested Course Model for GCC CountriesAuthors: Ahmed A Alkhalifah
- Interactivity in Learning Between Using an English Alphabet Learning Package and YouTube Alphabet Learning VideosAuthors: Siew Hock Ow;Teck Wei Lew
- Mapping of the Three Different E-Learning Management Tools: A Basis for Integrated Development Learning Environment (IDLE)Authors: Marmelo V. Abante;Lorena W. Rabago;Bartolome T. Tanguilig
- An Instructional Design Model for Designing and Producing Online Virtual Labs for Educational Technology StudentsAuthors: Mohamed Elsayed Ahmed;Shinobu Hasegawa
- Virtual 3D Learning Environments Using AvatarsAuthors: Tiago Cinto;Harlei M. A. Leite;Cecilia S. A. Peixoto;Dalton S. Arantes
- Implication of Course Context and Learning Style on Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System Design in Higher EducationAuthors: Bing-Zhao Phua;Thiam-Kian Chiew;Ker-Yung Chua
- Pedagogical Disruption then ConstructionAuthors: Sandra Bassendowski;April Mackey;Pammla Petrucka
- The ICT-Integrated Pedagogy in the Colleges of Royal University of BhutanAuthors: Choeda Choeda;Par-Ola Zander;Tandin Penjor;Dorji Dukpa;Reeta Rai
- Use of Cloud-based Learning Environment in Enhancing the Teaching and Learning Process for Software Engineering CoursesAuthors: Omar Saad;Muhammad Ehsan Rana
- Cloud Computing Adoption for Software Engineering Learning Environment: Set of Guidelines derived through Primary ResearchAuthors: Omar Saad;Muhammad Ehsan Rana