Archived Papers for Journal
Bulletin of Baikal State University >>
Vol.28, No.3
Publisher: Baikal State University
Publishing Date: 2018-09-03
- Bioindication of the Forest Ecosystems State of the South Baikal Region with the Use of Herbaceous Mesophytes CharacteristicsAuthors: O.A. Belykh
- Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Medicines Consumption in the Multisectoral HospitalAuthors: A.P. Sukhodolov; B.A. Spasennikov; A.L. Sannikov; Z.L. Varakina; O.Y. Popova
- Methodology of Systems Analysis in Sustainable Forest ManagementAuthors: G.D. Rusetskaya; T.I. Vedernikova
- The Сoncepts of Russian Cosmism in the Works by I. A. Bunin: «The Gentleman of the World» and «The Cosmopolite»Authors: A.P. Sukhodolov; E.S. Antipina
- Social and Humanitarian Knowledge: Peculiarites, Interactions, MeaningAuthors: M.L. Tkacheva
- An Icon - the Art of TraditionsAuthors: E.A. Alyoshina
- International Cooperation through Academic Projects: Are There Any Future Prospects?Authors: E.A. Bobrova; E.B. Kitova
- Comparative Analysis of Average Monthly Real Pay of Corporate Employees in Irkutsk Oblast in Terms of Types of Economic ActivityAuthors: E.V. Baldynova; S.A. Malyutina
- On the Issue of Discrimination in the Russian Labor MarketAuthors: E.A. Trofimov; T.I. Trofimova
- Modern Economic Theory and Economic Problems of the Modern WorldAuthors: V.P. Gorev; O.P. Djunina
- Deposit and Savings Certificates: Economic Advantages and Problems of UseAuthors: E.N. Prokofieva
- Trends in the Development of International Audit Activities in the Era of Economy GlobalizationAuthors: O.Y. Ziboreva; A.V. Rasputina
- Problems of Electronic Workflow Application in AccountingAuthors: I.V. Tikhonova
- On the Role of Atomic Engneering Industry in Competitive Recovery of RussiaAuthors: M.A. Balashova; I.Y. Naumenko; I.V. Tsvigun
- «New Angarstroy» as a Project of Non-Raw Materials Integration of Economies of Russia and ChinaAuthors: A.F. Nikolsky; L.A. Bezrukov; A.F. Shupletsov
- The Efficiency of the Interaction between the Government and Business Structures: the Content of the Definition and Experience of its Quantitative AssessmentAuthors: S.N. Leonov; E.A. Vakulyuk
- The Dynamics of the Structure of the Crimean Economy and Current Trends in Its DevelopmentAuthors: S.G. Cheremisina; S.S. Skaranik; V.A. Balitsky
- One of the Ways of Artificial Intelligence Implementation in ForecastingAuthors: T.I. Belych; A.V. Burdukovskaya
- Possible Focus Areas of Government Regulation of the Real Estate MarketAuthors: B.M. Bedin
- Features of Internet Marketing on B2B-MarketsAuthors: K.A. Tatarinov