Archived Papers for Journal
المجلة العلمیة المحکمة للجمعیة المصریة للکمبیوتر التعلیمی >>
Vol.8, No.1
Publisher: Egyptian Association for Educational Computer
Publishing Date: 2020-06-30
- The effect of using the Blended in developing e-learning applications among University of Bisha students and their attitudes towards themAuthors: جلال عیسى
- The effect of interaction between infographic pattern (stationary movement) in flexible e-learning environments and Entwistle model (surface - deep - strategic) in improving some learning outcomes and increasing student motivation towards learning.Authors: منتصر عثمان صادق هلال هلال
- The effect of differing presenting method of project-based learning (electronic - blended - traditional) in developing the skills of producing tests and electronic drills for students of the computer teacher preparation division.Authors: منى عیسى محمد عبد الکریم
- Interaction between Support Model(Stable/Flexible)and Locus of Control(Internal/External)in Personal E-Learning Environment Based on Internet of Things(IoT)Applications and its Effect on the Designing and Creation of Web Sites and Cognitive Motivation SkiAuthors: حسناء عبد العاطى إسماعیل الطباخ;آیة طلعت أحمد إسماعیل
- designing adaptive feedback patterns in apersonalized learning environment based on the semantic web for developing interactive digital story production skills among students with special needs teachers and their ability to use them according to their leaAuthors: وفاء عبدالفتاح
- Applied linguistics and mistakes of indigenous language learners on social media “Egyptian and Saudi Communicators as a Model"Authors: جمال شتا
- The Interaction between video cues patterns and its display time in a mobile micro-training environment and its effect on developing instructional design skills for the flipped classroom, the attitude towards the training environment, and reducing cognitiAuthors: السید عبد المولى السید أبو خطوة
- The effect of using smart learning systems based on standard criteria on mastering programming and problem-solving skills among students of the Computer Teacher Division at the Faculty of Specific Education Mansoura UniversityAuthors: صالح أحمد شاکر صالح صالح
- Interaction between the pattern of Probing questions and learning activities in E- discussion environment on the development of achievement and awareness of 21st century skills for students / teachers at the College of Industrial EducationAuthors: أسماء السید محمد عبد الصمد محمد;کریمة محمود محمد أحمد
- The Relationship between Learning-Styles and Learning Motivation of Students at Umm Al-Qura UniversityAuthors: حسن الصباغ;عماد حامد