Formation of special competence valeologicheskoj technical college students in the context of the provisions of the ?European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning?
Journal: Scientific review, Науковий огляд, Научное обозрение (Vol.32, No. 11)Publication Date: 2017-02-03
Authors : Zalij R.V.;
Page : 106-111
Keywords : competence; special Valeologichesky competence; professional application physical training;
- Formation of special competence valeologicheskoj technical college students in the context of the provisions of the ?European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning?
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The article describes the theoretical and methodological bases of formation of special competence valeologicheskoj technical college students in the professional-applied physical preparation. Studied the main approaches to the definition of the key competences of future specialists with the main provisions of the ?European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning?. The conclusion about the need to include competence in the future bachelors of technical specialties of this type of competence as a special Valeologichesky. Its formation is a complex process that continues throughout a person's life, but in the period of study at the university is a must for the education needs of physical perfection, mobile lifestyle and showcase their own example and replication of such activities among friends, colleagues and family members.
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Last modified: 2017-02-03 04:39:21