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Tutorship in Primary Education and the educational action in familiar context

Journal: Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad (Vol.3, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 140-153

Keywords : tutorship; teachers; family; specific needs of educational support (NEAE); action.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In this investigation there will be analyzed the concept of tutorship and the action of the teachers in the familiar context. The study shows the current status that has both the teachers and the relatives knowing that they are the persons in charge of whom his sons and daughters or student body have an educational quality. One tries to offer information and useful analyses that serve to diagnose and to offer a response adapted before the above mentioned situations. To analyze the results of the investigation there has been in use a qualitative and quantitative methodology, using as I orchestrate an already validated scale, there has been realized a validation of content and of criterion finally to apply the instrument to a sample of teachers and relatives of the student body of a public center of Jaen. The results show the aspects that have to promote the professorship to come to a good education with different student.

Last modified: 2018-10-26 17:42:16