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Journal: Art of Medicine (Vol.2, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 116-122

Keywords : pharmaceutical support; cancer patients; reduced-price and free of charge pharmaceutical assistance; financing; local budget; state budget; targeted program;

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The purpose of the work was to carry out the analysis of patients of certain categories of diseases, who are provided with free drugs prescriptions, an analysis of the state of financing of pharmaceutical provision of cancer patients in Ivano-Frankivsk region in accordance with indicators of needs for 2011-2016. Results. Based on the analysis of pub-lished papers and statistical data, the present state of financing of pharmaceutical provision of cancer patients at the territorial level is investigated. The results of the retrospective analysis of the dynamics of the total number of cancer patients who were registered in the region of Ivano-Frankivsk during 2011-2016 are presented. In recent years there has been an annual tendency of increasement of the total number of such patients in both absolute and relative rates. So, only in 2015, compared to 2014, there was an increase in the number of patients with 25,410 people. Over the five years (from 2011 to 2016) - 54348 people. Also, there was an increase in the number of cancer patients by 4581 persons (by 23.7%), patients with diabetes mellitus - by 17756 people (by 61.4%). The number of cancer patients among the urban population is significantly higher than among the rural population during 2011-2016. However, in 2015 there is a sharp increase in the number of registered cancer patients in the Ivano-Frankivsk region among the rural population up to 1133 as compared with the urban population. The analysis of the current state of financing of pharmaceutical aid for patients with this pathology according to the indicators of need is analyzed. Today there is a tendency to increase funding, but given the need to finance the pharmaceutical supply of cancer patients, there is a catastrophic lack of funding. Thus, the need for funding in 2011 was secured only by 29.65% (UAH 32.99 per patient), in 2012 - by 26.77% (UAH 34.08 per patient), in 2013 - by 31,60% (40,97 UAH per patient), in 2014 - by 36,87% (49,80 UAH per patient), in 2015 - by 55,34 % (94.97 UAH per patient), in 2016 - 64.02% (137.31 UAH per patient). The highest indicators of financing needs are characterized by the regions of Galych (2014-100 %, 2015-98.3%, 2016 - 75.9%) and Kalush (2014-92.4%, 2015-64.5%, 2016- 95.3%). The lowest figures are districts of Dolyna, Sniatyn and Nadvirna (0%, 1.2% - 11.7% of the need).The main problems are identified that need further study and regulation at both the state and the territorial level. The ways of further improvement of the system of financing of pharmaceutical aid for cancer patients are offered. Conclusions. In recent years, there has been an annual tendency to increase the number of cancer patients. The state of financing the pharmaceutical supply of cancer patients in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast according to the indicators of needs during 2011-2016 is extremely catastrophic. Given the ever-increasing number of cancer patients and the need to finance their treatment and limited resources, the Health Protection Program is not possible without the development and im-plementation of effective mechanisms for reforming the health system. Therefore, the implementation of the compulsory medical insurance system is on time.

Last modified: 2018-11-10 04:48:38