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Theoretical and methodological problems of monitoring of the quality of education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.10, No. 39)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 74-87

Keywords : monitoring of the quality of educational services; the educational process; development of students' thinking; management; creativity.;

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The article discusses the results of scientific research on the problem of monitoring the quality of education and also analyzes and generalizes various scientific approaches. The main problems of the article are indicators and criteria for monitoring the quality of education and effective management in an educational institution in modern conditions. Monitoring of the quality of education is considered as a procedure for systematically collecting information on important aspects and achievements of education at various levels of educational management (local, regional, national). It is realized in order to continuously monitor, determine and correct the state of education and forecast its development. However, monitoring and its criteria are interpreted by scientists in different ways, despite the large number of pedagogical researches on this topic. Problems and tasks of monitoring are considered. The essential features of effective management of the educational process are disclosed, taking into account domestic and foreign experience. The important aspects of education for the monitoring process are summarized and systematized: 1) The innovativeness of the content and forms of organization of the educational process in an educational institution; 2) Implementation in the educational process of the methods, forms and means of development of pupils personal creativity and creative thinking. 3) Implementing a personality-oriented approach. 4) Professionalism and readiness for innovative activity of the teaching staff. 5) The use of information and communication technologies of education quality management, etc. Here we can also include a group of indicators by which the state of functioning of the institution as a social-pedagogical system is evaluated: 1) Indicators of success of students' scientific-cognitive activity, level of their academic achievements in educational and extra-curricular activities; 2) Indicators of development and self-development of students – intellectual, creative, spiritual-ethical, social-communicative. Among the latest may be noted the intellectual skills acquired as a result of the study of disciplines. Many of these qualities can be included in this number: the analysis and synthesis, abstract thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking etc.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 18:12:36