Origins of Polish Airforce during battles for Lviv in 1919
Journal: Res Cresoviana (Vol.2019, No. 2)Publication Date: 2019-12-15
Authors : Krzysztof Żabierek;
Page : 87-100
Keywords : Lviv; war; air force; defense;
- Origins of Polish Airforce during battles for Lviv in 1919
- Polish writers in Lviv
- Polish Campo Santo in Lviv
- Methodology of Polish manuscripts of the second half of XVI – late XVIIIcenturies reading: the theory and practice (via examples of the documents of the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine, Lviv)
- Medical and Social Peculiarities of the Health Condition of Pupils of Lviv and Lviv Region
Battles for Lviv earned their fame not only because of heroism of the defenders of the city, but also engagement of Polish Airforce in military activities. Tradition of Polish way of fighting in the air shaped near Lviv and, what is interesting, the Poles also started marking their airplanes with white-red “chequer” there.
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Last modified: 2020-03-29 03:49:56