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Results of a Survey of Schoolchildren and Students of Professional Educational Organizations on the State, Preservation and Development of Native Languages of the Peoples of Russia

Journal: Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (Vol.17, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 514-524

Keywords : sociological survey; studying; General education organization; professional educational organization; respondents; ethnic composition; national culture; native language; people of Russia;

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The problem of language continuity in modern conditions has become particularly relevant for Russia, where the number of languages and dialects is directly related to ethnic diversity and is more than 270. Activities aimed at increasing the motivation and interest of the younger generation in learning their native language and national culture are becoming more relevant. To implement these measures, it is necessary to understand the real needs of students for language education. The purpose of the research was to identify the opinions of schoolchildren and professional educational organizations on the state, preservation and development of the languages of the peoples of Russia.

Last modified: 2020-12-03 03:03:29