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Model of formation of legal culture of pedagogical employees of centers of vocational and technical education of the civil employment service

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.19, No. 48)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 108-124

Keywords : culture; legal culture; legal culture of a teacher; vocational education; model of formation of legal culture of pedagogical workers; state employment service;

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The article considers modern approaches to the formation of legal culture of pedagogical workers in the system of vocational education of Ukraine, in particular, using the simulation method. It is specified that models occupy an important place in various pedagogical systems. They combine theory and practice, types of work, methods, meet the definition leading values and the ultimate goal that accompanies the process of preparing the present specialist (pedagogical employee of the center of vocational education of the civil service employment) – a professional. It is specified that the basis of the structure of legal culture of the pedagogical employee of the center of vocational education of the state employment service consists of four main components: motivational, cognitive, operational and personal. Each of these components consists of relevant elements: motivational (motives, needs, values), cognitive (knowledge), operational (skills), personal (personal qualities). The author's model is based on synergetic, systemic, situational, competence, personal and activity approaches; principles of formation of legal culture of the pedagogical worker of the center of vocational education of the state employment service: continuity, problems, system, orientation on experience, self-education, dialogicity realized through functions of the pedagogical worker of the center of vocational education of the state employment service (managerial, marketing, business, financial, personnel). The model presents the structure of the legal culture of the pedagogical worker of the center of vocational education of the state employment service, which consists of interrelated components: motivational (motives, needs, interests, values); cognitive (knowledge); operating (skills); personal (personal qualities); the levels of formation of legal culture to the pedagogical employee of the center of vocational education of the state employment service (high, average, sufficient, low) are determined

Last modified: 2022-09-15 15:04:07