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Scientific substantiation of the management model of creative potential development of teachers in the context of non-formal education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.21, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 91-123

Keywords : management culture; competence; change agents; certification; competitiveness; reputation of the institution;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This article highlights topical issues of innovative management as a process of managing the creative potential development of the teachers and making effective decisions by officials. The problem of management, creativity and development is considered in a number of many scientists' studies, but so far this quest remains significant in the general education institutions' system (further GEI). It is clear that without the formation of values and competences of the administrator of any level, qualitatively new ideas about the learning process, it is impossible to develop the creative potential and intellectual abilities of all participants of the education process, because it is a management decision is a direct, personal result of the efforts of the manager. Of course we are talking about a competitive manager with established managerial potential, who is able to manage a creative team [54]. Life proves that in complex situations and constantly changing conditions, the level of competence of some managers of the GEI, unfortunately, is kept on outdated habits and «traditions». Therefore the publication is due to the fact that people are creative, flexible and able to generate and usage of new ideas, approaches, decisions in modern conditions become hostage to managerial negligence and «criminal» indifference. The real question is: Why? What's the reason? We won't give a clear definition of managerial skill, but focus on its basic concepts, because society is beginning to realize that the teacher is a change agent, a means of organizing intellectual cooperation among himself, the institution and the family of students and co-educators. In this case, it is possible to talk about the manager competence and not to be an expert to pretend to be a tolerant, cultural person who seems to respect others, although he does not want and cannot find compromises, because she does not change himself, thereby changing the environment. Is it possible to talk about values, when passive-aggressive behavior, pompousness of the official applying direct negativity, mobbing to creative persons-colleagues, entails serious differences in relations, relationships and cooperation. Is it possible to speak about the management activity culture when due to passive attitude of «administrator» or hostile attitude to inspired agents of change result of «mismanagement», the verdict, «volitional decision» of the pseudo-manager is his declaration of a vacancy. Such an approach will never correspond to the content of education of the European dimension of our country, because not only the creative teacher suffers but parents and students also. In such circumstances we are not talking about the psychological atmosphere in the team, unhealthy, toxic, but about quality in education which means success, cohesion, friendship

Last modified: 2022-10-11 15:40:25