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Journal: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) (Vol.13, No. 08)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 11-20

Keywords : Mode Selection; Stated Preference; Binomial Logit; Probability;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Balangan Regency, which is an expansion district, is still in the process of developing infrastructure. There are still many areas of Balangan that have not been touched by public transportation, this makes it difficult to move goods and people. This is due to the absence of inter-village and urban transportation routes. The low ability of the community to pay for transportation costs and the long distance traveled are of course a problem in itself that can cause the decline in the function of public transportation. Another factor that causes changes in transportation needs is of course the unpredictable weather. When the weather is sunny, motorbikes are the easiest choice for people with middle to lower economic levels. In fact, all levels of society tend to have motorbikes for quick and concise transportation. The sensitivity of travel time for the selection of Motorcycle and Microbus modes in terms of the shift in the value of the travel time attribute with the amount of fast time and slow time Microbus which remains in sunny and rainy weather conditions, so that the values entered in the travel time sensitivity graph have shown a decrease in value. The probability when the Microbus travel time is enlarged, this also happens to the Private Car and Microbus modes when the travel time value is added, there is a reduction in the probability value up to 0. Tariff sensitivity for the selection of Motorcycle and Microbus modes in terms of shifting the value of the tariff attribute with the amount of the tariff the lower and upper rates for Microbuses are fixed in sunny and rainy weather conditions.

Last modified: 2022-12-03 21:43:16