Küresel Düzenin Dayanağı Olarak Kaos Coğrafyasına Dönüşmeye Direnmek Tarih Ve Uygarlık Savunuculuğuna Doğru: Resisting the Transformation of the Chaos Geography History and Towards the Defence of Civilization
Journal: Journal of sociology,Sosyologca (Vol.2, No. 3)Publication Date: 2012-01-01
Authors : Ertan Eğribel - Ufuk Ozcan;
Page : 9-19
Keywords : Geography of chaos; Balkanization of Middle East; Ottoman legacy;
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For the first time in history a Western force, not being a colonialist but as a “protective one” , by expanding its sovereignty constitutes the bases of the adjustments against the Eastern countries. USA Middle East reflects a “Balkanization” situation, the views of hustle and bustle instead of unity and solidarity by dividing into various regional, ethnic, religious limited identities in itself. Thus, USA Middle East constitutes the axis of the global chaos geography and becomes an element that destabilizes traditional Eastern countries.
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Last modified: 2013-06-17 00:31:35