Evaluation of the resistance of the concrete produced with the ash from the burning of sugar cane bagasse in partial replacement of Portland cement
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.14, No. 44)Publication Date: 2018-12-30
Authors : José Bento Adegilson Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha Dione Luiza da Silva Eliana Cristina Barreta Monteiro;
Page : 6-15
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Brazilisthelargestproducerofsugarcaneinthe world,aplantationthatservesasarawmaterialcementoPortlandporlacenizadelbagazodetoproducesugar,alcoholandothers,aswellasBAíFechaderecepción:01/08/2018
other byproducts such as bagasse (that can be burned in arder to produce energy, a process that generales waste and ashes). This residue has in its composition basically silicates and aluminates that guarantee, when it is calcined at the correct temperature, high pozzolanic activity presentlng, in this way, a technical feasibility far its use as a mineral addition in the manufacture of concrete. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the physical characteristics of sugarcane ash and evaluate the performance of the axial compressive strength of concrete test bodies produced with partial replacement of Portland cement with the ash from the bagasse in proportions of 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 o/o. The results indicated that, in general, sugarcane bagasse ash is viable in proportions of 15 o/o substitution, which suggests its use in civil construction, to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, caused during the manufacture of cement, in addition to obtaining a sustainable way to reuse the waste that currently does not have an adequate destination.
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Last modified: 2025-02-25 05:43:22