Prefeasibility study for a catalytic oligomerization plant implementation for the production of high octane gasoline from liquefied petroleum gas in Bolivia
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.12, No. 38)Publication Date: 2016-12-30
Authors : Liliana Carina Rodriguez Condori Gabriela Chirobocea de Rivera;
Page : 57-77
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
In Bolivia, gasoline demand has risen very sharply in recent years. The traditional way to get gasoline in the country is by distillation of oil, but because of the quality of oil in Bolivia, the gasoline produced has low ranges octane also does not supply the domestic market and sees the need to import it which means a negative economic impact. Thus this project's main objective was to study the various technical and economic-financial aspects for the implementation of a catalytic oligomerization plant alternatively, to produce high-octane gasoline considering liquefied petroleum gas as a raw material available in Bolivia. lt was determined that the plant will be located in the department of Santa Cruz, a town next heads to liquids separation plant Rio Grande, which will provide the raw material required. And a capacity of 685.192 Bbl production/year was also estimated. For plant design the appropriate technology to indus trial process was U.O.P., belonging to one of the most important American multinational companies in the oil industry, it was selected with an estimated US$ 248,40 MUS investment and economic profitability was deter mined, with a net present value of US$ 109,81 MUS, an interna! rate of return of 17,01 % and Pay Back of 5,33 years. Finally, the economic and social feasibility was demonstrated considering that the project will enable the development of new technology, new sources of di rect and indirect jobs and various benefits for the coun try.
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Last modified: 2025-02-26 06:22:18