Applying photoelasticity technique in models subject to bending
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.11, No. 34)Publication Date: 2015-08-30
Authors : Raúl F. Castellón Torrico;
Page : 60-64
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Photoelasticity technique allows us to analyze pressures in any system from single to complex geometries. A team called polariscopic, a beam of polarized light passing through a photoelastic model, forms the physical principie that allows us to perform this analysis. This model is subjected to external loads; by the action of the light beam bands of different colors can be observed, where in each color defines a stress level. For our case, a small beam subject to bending loads is analyzed; a model based on gelatin, glycerin and water; was used, which has yielded good results in terms of the appreciation of color bands.
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Last modified: 2025-02-28 00:54:56