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Journal: Journal of the Grodno State Medical University (Vol.23, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 19-25

Keywords : otosurgery; ear surgery; cellulose ear tampon; ear tamponade materials; tympanoplasty; experiment on the ear; morphological study;

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Background. Tamponade is performed as a final step in almost all types of middle ear surgery. The search for the optimal method of postoperative tamponade of the external auditory canal in terms of the shape of the tampon, its material, and duration of its presence in the external auditory canal is aimed at preventing postoperative complications. Purpose of the study. In an animal experiment to evaluate in a comparative aspect the properties of cellulose as a material for postoperative ear tamponade by studying postoperative morphologic dynamics. Material and methods. The article presents the results of an experiment on laboratory animals aimed to perform the comparative evaluation of the characteristics of cellulose as a material for tamponade of the external auditory canal with a gauze tampon and a Merocel-type tampon. In total, 36 rabbits of Chinchilla breed were used for the experiment. The influence of materials used for tamponade of the external auditory canal on the postoperative healing process was studied. Results. Our experiment on laboratory animals has shown, that tampons made of the experimental material of split cellulose, and tampons made of traditional materials such as Merocel microporous sponge composed of hydrolyzed polyvinyl acetate, and medical gauze lead to approximately the same severity and activity of inflammation of tissues of the external auditory canal in laboratory animals. This is supported by the results of morphological tissue examination, which showed a low level of cellular inflammatory response of the cellulose tampon, not exceeding that of the medical gauze and Merocel tampons. According to our research, the recommended time frame for postoperative ear tamponade is 7 to 14 days. Conclusion. According to the experimental study, the split cellulose material does not cause adverse effects on the tissues of laboratory animals and can be used for clinical trials in patients for postoperative ear tamponade.

Last modified: 2025-03-20 20:59:03