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Professional self‐development form of professional competence in a supplementary educational institution

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.9, No. 38)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 133-153

Keywords : self-education; management; professional competence; selfdevelopment; principles; supporting institution of education; analysis.;

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The article presents the results of the study of the teacher's self-education management in the basic educational institution as a priority form of self-development of his professional competence and management principles. The concept of "self-education" has been interpreted in dictionaries and intelligence, which is determined by scientists in two planes: personal and procedural; characteristic distinctive features of teacher's self-education; structural elements of the concept of «self-education»: self-esteem, self-determination, selforganization, self-analysis, self-control; a set of components: cognitive, operational, motivational; aspects of teacher's self-education: pedagogical – educational and methodical activity; psychological – diagnostic and consultative activity; social – participation in interpersonal interactions. The state of self-education management as a priority form of selfdevelopment of teacher's professional competence in a basic educational institution was experimentally investigated, in particular: the degree of understanding of the content and structure by teachers; importance of self-educational activity, its driving forces, motivation for self-education; the purpose of self-education: cognitive, procedural and personal; establishing a level of understanding by teachers that self-education is a priority component of the development of professional competence; structures of teachers' self-education activities: self-diagnosis, selfknowledge, self-esteem, self-determination, self-affirmation, selforganization, self-reflection, self-analysis and self-control; activityprocedural and activity-resultant motives (process orientation and result of self-educational activity); motives for social cooperation, interpersonal communication, development and self-realization; orientation of the content of self-education in the scientific field: subject, didactic, psychological. The following principles of management of teacher's selfeducation and their content are distinguished: the principle of scientific, practical orientation, personal-individual approach, independence and voluntariness, systematicity and continuity, complexity, social determination, humanization, motivational basis, relevance, transparency and clarity. The most priority results of the study were selected: the principle of purposefulness, perspective, optimality. The main problems of managing a teacher's self-education as a form of self-development of professional competence are outlined; insufficient development and application of modern interactive technologies, etc. The ways of ensuring the effectiveness of such activity are determined through a comprehensive and systematic study of the level of qualification and personality of each teacher, his professional activity and his results; applying his advanced training in the application of different types of education; to provide the teacher with information and advisory assistance in choosing technologies of self-knowledge, self-affirmation, self-development; create with him a program of his professional and personal self-development; provide management support and support through streamlined feedback; stimulating the teacher to self-education and professional development; develop a strategy for managing the development and self-development of a teacher's professional competence.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 16:34:08