Application of Active Learning Methods During Physical Education Class in Case of Some Selected College of Teachers Education in Oromia Regional State
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Adem Mohammednur Ahmed MED;
Page : 10231-10246
Keywords : Physical Education; Active Leaning Methods; Application of Active Learning & Teaching;
Active learning methods of teaching has many advantages in developing learners' knowledge and skills. But its advantage is realized only when it is effectively and properly implemented. Based on this, the main purpose of this study was to assess the status of Application of Active Learning Methods during Physical Education Class in Case of Same Selected Colleges of Teachers Education in Oromia Regional State. In order to meet the objectives of the study descriptive survey research method was employed. Three Colleges namely, Bale Robe, Asela, and Adola were selected out by this study. The researcher incorporated 50 female and 73 male students, 8 teachers and 3 College Deans were a primary sources of data. Questionnaires, interviews and observation were used for the purpose of collecting relevant data. Data obtained through questionnaires were analyzed using statistical tools like frequency, percentage, mean, average mean, chi square, and standard deviation. Moreover, data gathered through interview and observation were considered to triangulate the questionnaires in narrative form. The finding of this study revealed that the perceptions of teachers and students on the current active learning application process of physical education in different college of teacher's education in Oromia was tested. Some of these activities were found at low rate. Because, most activities were not performed all in all with more than 50%. Also the study revealed that Active learning methods strategies like Discussion, group work, problem solving, peer teaching, think-pair-share, and cross over, pyramiding and jigsaw group were not applied by the teachers mostly used traditional lecture method. According to the result of the study, teachers' lack of shortage of instructional materials and facilities has affected the application of active learning methods. Finally the study revealed that large classes size, amount of content that needs to be covered, lack of administrative support, lack of classroom space, involve students in active learning will add too much to my work load and lack of understanding how to apply active learning were the most dominant challenges. In line with the above findings and conclusions it was recommended that the college deans and department heads of need to encourage teachers to use different active learning methods and extra teaching materials in the classroom to promote improved learning achievement.
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