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Monitoring of educational and cognitive activity of students as an indicator of quality of educational services

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.13, No. 42)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 73-86

Keywords : monitoring of educational process; creative thinking; self-control; activity; typology; skills; abilities;

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An important indicator of the quality of educational services in an educational institution is the level of educational and cognitive activity of its students. The article investigates the theoretical and practical principles of determining the tools for monitoring the level and quality of educational and cognitive activities of students of educational institutions. The criteria and indicators to be used in organizing the monitoring procedure are analyzed. The essential features and features of effective tools for monitoring students' learning and cognitive activity are considered. Criteria for determining the levels of educational and cognitive activity have been developed. They integrate a range of cognitive and personal characteristics. These criteria include the following important indicators: thinking activity, learning activity and initiative, volitional self-regulation (self-control), the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, skills and abilities, including at the creative level. The last manifestations we attributed to the operational and technical sphere, which is associated with the solution of educational and problem-cognitive tasks. The activity of thinking has three levels: the level of non-standard creative thinking (the student seeks to move away from the pattern, shows ingenuity, invention, original solution to the problem); level of reproductive-variable thinking; level of reproductive-standard thinking. Educational-cognitive activity can be assessed at the following levels: initiative level, executive level, passive level. The high level of self-control is marked by the high independence of the student and his responsible attitude to the task. Such a student does not need care and «pushing» from the outside. Levels of formation of operational and technical sphere in schoolchildren (such elements as educational knowledge, skills and abilities) are subdivided into search-creative, algorithmic-search and imitative-algorithmic levels. The proposed criteria of students' manifestations were the basis of the method «Student's educational and cognitive passport», which is designed to monitor their educational and cognitive activity

Last modified: 2021-01-05 21:14:55