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Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>

Vol.13, No.42

Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»

Publishing Date: 2020-09-23

  1. Effective school as a resource for ensuring the quality of education

    Authors: Vasyl Bazеliuk

  2. Modern pedagogical requirements to the teacher's professional competence

    Authors: Verdiyeva Mehbanu Alimurad gizi

  3. Monitoring research in higher education: national and supernational dimensions

    Authors: Svitlana Grynyuk; Alla Zasluzhena

  4. Formation of readyness of future school principals to the application of innovation

    Authors: Nina Zhuravska

  5. Monitoring of educational and cognitive activity of students as an indicator of quality of educational services

    Authors: Anna Zvarych

  6. Theoretical basics of training specialists in the information environment

    Authors: Valentyna Kalusenko; Liubov Kartashova

  7. Linguistic competence as a factor of self-perfection motivation of future doctors

    Authors: Valentyna Kushnir

  8. Automation system of operation of inclusive resources centers: content on special education needs

    Authors: Svitlana Lytovchenko

  9. The results of the electronic education course «fundamentals of methodology of the electronic courses development in the field of medical education»

    Authors: Natalia Lopina

  10. Strategic guidelines of scientific and pedagogical workers professional development in the conditions of open education

    Authors: Larysa Petrenko

  11. The essence and content of professionalization of teachers in the context of lifelong education

    Authors: Volodymyr Piddiachyi

  12. Initiation of training activities for junior schoolchildren. Crisis of ages 6–7

    Authors: Aygun Rustamova

  13. Features of the organization of the educational process of the applicants of educational-professional program «Сhristian pedagogy»

    Authors: Iryna Sidanich

  14. Conceptual basics of quality management for training of competitive specialists

    Authors: Tetyana Stoychyk

  15. Quality-control assessment of the learning technology in the process of training graduates in chemistry

    Authors: Hanna Tkachuk

  16. Educational environment as an important condition for the formation of communicative competence of future preschool education professionals

    Authors: Oksana Tour; Svitlana Yalanska

  17. Theoretical analysis of the development of the department of training of future administrators of the entrepreneurship in the institution of professional profession (profession)

    Authors: Lilia Ukleina

  18. English phraseological units with temporal meaning: semantic characteristic

    Authors: Faramazov Azer Suratullah oghlu

  19. Ready for an army psychologist to professional activities in the armed forces of Ukraine

    Authors: Anatoly Yurkov