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Assessment in online education

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 123-139

Keywords : online education; e-assessment; technological equipments; e-learning; implementation; original evaluation; authentic assessment;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The present article gives brief information about the assessment in online education. The development of online education has grown substantially over the last decade. It has been growing from an experimental novelty to almost inescapable teaching tool, changes learners and learning process, as well as teaching practices. During the pandemic period online teaching has been an alternative for both teachers and learners. Schools and universities were forced to enhance their technological equipments in online education. Suspending face-to face classes, e-learning became the only option for teachers and students to communicate. E-learning turned out to be helpful during these critical situations, of course the implementation of technology in education evoked some challenges to teachers. The absence of physical interaction between teachers and students in online assessment created some hardships. Electronic teaching is an online teaching method without physical interference of teachers and students. In literature, the notion of e-teaching is not widely discussed as e-learning. E-Learning, e-teaching involve the technical mix of content experience, pedagogy, knowledge through multiple media outlets, and using these learning theories is to perform both formal and informal instructional goals. B. Wilson, S. Ludwig-Hardman and others pacify the following tasks that teachers should perform in online teaching: "Provide syllabi, instructional resources, communication tools, and learning strategies; monitor and assess learning and provide feedback, remediation, and grades; identify and resolve instructional, interpersonal, and technical problems; and create a learning community in which learners feel safe and connected and believe their contributions are valid. Definitely a long list of responsibilities which most of the professors have not been prepared for in their socialization processes into the academic world" [13]. "e-Teaching" connects all the preferred mode as Visual, Aural, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic (VARK). ICT encourages teaching and learning autonomy, produces constructive learning factors, enhances learning consistency, improves record-keeping of educational achievements, strengthens assessment practices. J. Hoskins, describes three qualities that are needed to be an e-teacher and discusses the seven principles of good practice which help teachers explore the transition from being an excellent traditional teacher to an excellent e-teacher. These seven principles are: (1) encourage contact between a student and a faculty; (2) develop reciprocity and cooperation among students; (3) inspire active learning; (4) give prompt feedback; (5) emphasize time on task; (6) communicate high expectations; and (7) respect diverse talents and ways of learning [6, р. 53–56]. These seven principles apply equally well in the traditional and electronic classroom. It should be noted that E-teaching is not synonymous with online teaching. E-teaching is the combination of both a face-to-face and a distance learning. For E-teaching, it is necessary to connect electronically because, Internet resources are inevitable for the E-teacher. As it is shown, E-teaching is a fundamental component for every educational institution. In e-teaching tool and platforms play a crucial role. Podcasts, video clips, projectors, e-books, open educational resources can be included to the tools. E-Teaching Platforms occur: World Wide Web (WWW), Learning Management System, Skype, WhatsApp & Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. "E-learning" as a term appeared in the middle of the 1990s, when the Internet started to gain popularity and computer-based or web-based learning was included in the application of E-learning. It is the use of ICT in the teaching process where teachers and students are distanced by location, time, or both to improve the educational experience and performance

Last modified: 2023-03-06 21:02:35