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Labour market of Ukraine in war time: reality and prospects

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.26, No. 55)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 161-177

Keywords : workforce; labour market; forced migration; migrants; military aggression; human capital;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The situation on the labour market of Ukraine is analyzed in the article. Significant changes in the functioning of the native labour market brought about by the full-scale war caused by russia are noted; today one of the main problems in the Ukrainian labour market is the professional and qualification imbalance and certain disproportions between the demand and supply of labour force. In particular, professional and regional disparities are deepening, which holds back the further recovery of employment; there is a problem of lack of qualified workers in private business, first of all. As a result of the economic upheavals, which are accompanied by large-scale internal displacement and refugee flows, there are huge losses of jobs and incomes. Attention is focused on determining the optimal mechanisms for regulating labor force mobility as a tool for regulating the labour market. The need for assistance to internally displaced persons in the near and long term was emphasized. It is currently impossible to accurately assess the international distribution of forced migrants from Ukraine, as migrants change their plans and country of destination, sometimes not even registering for temporary protection, but using the right to stay in EU countries for 90 days without registration. The role of education as a determining factor in the formation of human capital is noted, especially in conditions of unfavorable demographic development. A quality system of education, retraining and advanced training can help reduce labour shortages. Measures for the development of the workforce for the economic recovery and development of the country are proposed. The main condition for the return of refugees to Ukraine will be the availability of safe and attractive living conditions, including the availability of work, housing and social infrastructure. But it should be taken into account that a long stay in the EU countries will contribute to the opportunities for Ukrainian citizens to settle down and gain a foothold in the host countries. At the same time, in the absence of better prospects in Ukraine, after the abolition of martial law, the process of population outflow may continue and even intensify

Last modified: 2024-01-11 18:45:07