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Logistics Processes Modeling of Seafood Imports in the Conditions of Damaged Infrastructure

Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.7576, No. 12)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 48-59

Keywords : fish and seafood; logistics; supply chains; damaged infrastructure; metaheuristic algorithms; the Gray Wolf algorithm (optimizer); optimization;

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The article is devoted to issues of modeling the processes of finding solutions to logistical problems in fish and seafood supply to the population of Ukraine. The paper analyzes the numerous publications of Ukrainian and foreign researches on topics related to issues of marketing and logistics of fish products. The modern conditions' assessment in which the supply of seafood is carried out is given. The problems faced by product carriers are considered, among which the main ones are hostilities, constant shelling, damage and destruction of infrastructure and energy networks of Ukraine. The Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO) metaheuristic algorithm is used to solve the given problem, which helps to solve NP-complex problems that are difficult to solve by any traditional exact methods, or these methods do not exist at all. Productivity of such type algorithms is evaluated based on five indicators: solution quality, convergence speed, computational efficiency, robustness, and flexibility. The proposed GWO-based model enabled the optimization of several objectives, including the minimization of total supply chain costs, maximization of customer satisfaction, and reduction of harmful environmental impacts, enabling an integrated approach to supply chain management.

Last modified: 2024-10-11 21:33:53