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Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" >>

Vol.7576, No.12

Publisher: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine

Publishing Date: 2024-06-19

  1. Digital Forensics as a Modern Tool for Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprises

    Authors: Ivanov S. Chehunova Mysnyk K.

  2. The Theoretical Meaning of the Concept of «Smart Energy System»

    Authors: Andriienko B.

  3. European Trends of Localization of Economic Activities in Reconstructive Spatial Organization of Economic Systems

    Authors: Mykytenko V. Chuprina M.

  4. Systematization of International Indicators and Indicators of Metrology of Economic Cycles in the National Economy

    Authors: Stolіarov V. Ostrovetskyy V. Stolіarova V.

  5. Modern Aspects of the Methodology of Scientific Research in the Financial Sphere

    Authors: Putintsev A. Mala S.

  6. Formation of Marketing Policy and Marketing Management at Enterprises of the Corporate Sector

    Authors: Us G. Gedz M. Vasylenko V.

  7. Logistics Processes Modeling of Seafood Imports in the Conditions of Damaged Infrastructure

    Authors: Ivanov S. Hlazkov M.

  8. The Role of Neuromarketing and Social Networks in the Field of Health Care

    Authors: Zhmai О. Nemchenko H.

  9. Methodical Support for the Organization of Marketing Management at Corporate Enterprises

    Authors: Syvolap Yu. Yu.

  10. Social Responsibility in the Field of Energy in the Interests of the Development of Distributed Generation and Social Stability

    Authors: Mykytenko V. Amosha O.

  11. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of the Efficiency of the Activity of the Enterprise

    Authors: Gudz P. Nechayeva I. Lukyanenko M.

  12. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  13. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  14. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  15. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  16. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  17. Management of Competitive Potential and Strategy of Industrial Enterprises

    Authors: Kravchenko M. Budagyan A. Reviakin O.

  18. Directions for Increasing the Level of Economic Security of Enterprises under the Influence of Digitalization and Adaptive Management

    Authors: Shchepka O. Salo S. Hryhir S.

  19. Implementation of Intellectual Resources in Strategic Vector of Innovative Development of the Enterprise

    Authors: Skoptsov K. Petlenko Т. Bezuhlyi O.

  20. Analytical Review of the Development of Innovative Project Activities of Extracurricular Art Educational Institutions of Ukraine

    Authors: Pasechnyk I.

  21. Evaluation of the Competitiveness of the Medical Industry and its Educational Institutions in the Context of Economic Interaction

    Authors: Hutsaliuk O. Bondar Iu. Boiko O.

  22. The Impact of Internationalization of Human Resources on Economic Development and Competitiveness of Labor Potential, Educational Institutions and Innovative Project Activities

    Authors: Bondar Iu. Petchenko M. Buhaieva M.

  23. Analysis of the State of Women's Entrepreneurship in the Conditions of War

    Authors: Lazorenko L.

  24. Analysis of Expert Evaluations of the Effectiveness of the Reform of the Health Care System of Ukraine

    Authors: Shyshka I.

  25. Harmonization of the Market of Educational Services of Out-of-School Music Education Institutions in the EU Countries and Ukraine

    Authors: Litviak A.

  26. Digital Transformation of Industry: Current Realities and Development Priorities

    Authors: Ostrovska H. Ostrovskyy O.

  27. Implementation of investment projects based on the principles of partnership between government, business and society in Ukraine: modern trends and development forecasting

    Authors: Petrova I.