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Social Responsibility in the Field of Energy in the Interests of the Development of Distributed Generation and Social Stability

Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.7576, No. 12)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 73-83

Keywords : energy systems with elements of distributed generation; types of social responsibility; a complex of technical and technological procedures and means of coordinating processes; algorithm of management actions;

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The essence and content of the processes of ensuring social responsibility by entities managing distributed generation, energy business corporations and joint-stock companies and energy regulators are defined and detailed. This made it possible to classify the main types of social responsibility and to formulate the target tasks of energy market participants. A complex of technical and technological procedures and means of coordination of the processes of ensuring the stability of the functioning of the national energy system is proposed for use in order to harmonize the volumes and modes of electricity supply to the network from distributed generation and energy business corporations and joint-stock companies. It includes: smart power system management systems; smart energy management systems; demand forecasting methods; network integration devices; technologies of energy storage and accumulation; remote monitoring and control technologies used by operators; standardization of activities and ensuring mutual compatibility of technologies; development and implementation of contingency plans and emergency scenarios to eliminate violations of energy supply regimes. For public administration entities and regulators in the performance of social responsibility functions and effective control over the activities of economic entities, it is recommended: a) to conduct an analysis of the activities of managers, an assessment of their compliance with the assigned tasks; b) clarify the responsibility of managers; c) approve reporting systems; d) determine rewards and amounts of punishment; e) engage independent experts or audit firms to evaluate activities; g) adapt the existing system of discussion and feedback; h) exercise public pressure and public reaction. The author's work made it possible to develop and propose for use a five-stage Algorithm of management actions for the coordination of the processes of ensuring the stability of the functioning of the national energy system with the rationalization and coordination of the compatibility of volumes and modes of supply to the electricity network from distributed generation enterprises and energy business corporations and joint-stock companies. Within its limits, a number of target tasks are formulated and the deadlines for those responsible for their implementation are determined.

Last modified: 2024-10-11 21:38:24