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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.101, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 60-78

Keywords : information technologies (IT); automation of business; automation management system (AMS); "front-office; back-office.;

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Background. Today information is a strategic resource and capital, while information technologies (IT) are the instrument of improving and increasing efficiency of activity of contemporary enterprises. Among wide range of IT that today is actively used in commerce, automation management systems (AMS) occupy an important place. Using AMS in activity of enterprises of restaurant business (ERB) allows develop a single management and control system that permits to increase effectiveness and efficiency of business as whole. That is why the aim of this work is to study the problem of automation of restaurant business in Ukraine. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the study is a set of scientific methods such as generalization, analysis and synthesis, historical method, method of systematization, method of comparison. Scientific developments of home and foreign scientists, statistical materials and Internet-sources became the information base of research. Results. In this research the essence of concept "automation management system" was defined, questioning of home restaurateurs was conducted by authors to determine the principal reasons that restrain introduction of AMS into ERB. Specific, structure and mechanism of functioning of AMS were shown in the research. Authors analyzed home market of modern programmatic complexes and products, that can be used for automation of restaurant business. Today the most popular AMS are the next: "1С: Enterprise 8 ? Restaurant", "Parus ? Restaurant", "Sirius-Restaurant", "Conecto", "ilikoRMS", "Prose: Restaurant", "ITCafe". All these AMS were investigated and analysed in the article. Conclusion. Thus, the results of this research indicate the importance of automation of restaurant business as a strategic prospect and instrument of market competitiveness. Introduction of AMS is not the extra investment, but the means of optimization of operating costs, way of increasing efficiency of an enterprise and instrument of adaptation of ERB to the unfavorable environment as whole.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 19:51:49