Archived Papers for Journal
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Vol.89, No.1
Publisher: University of Medical Sciences Guantánamo
Publishing Date: 2015-01-01
- Educational activities on hypertension in older adultsAuthors: Lic. Luverly Favier Michel Lic. Elfi Beate Lescaille Rojas Lic. Marisela Fernández Vela Lic. Esperanza Brooks Montiel Lic. Lilian Caras Blanco
- Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of severe exogenous poisoning in childrenAuthors: Lic. Kariasna Rodríguez García Carlos Hernández Faure Rudy Ubals Gómez Dra. Idania Reyes Matos Lic. Ibis Vázquez García
- Behavior of cervical-vaginal infections taking into account colposcopy and changes in women infected with HIV/AIDSAuthors: Dra. Iris Gladys Zayas Martinez Dra. Magaly Cordero Rodríguez Eduardo Arango Hernández Dra. Olga María Rodríguez Fernández Gustavo Crespo Campo
- Behavior of the kit of Chlamydia trachomatis on infected patients undergoing antibiotic therapyAuthors: Dra. Katiuska Pascual Mengana Lic. Daniel Salazar Rodríguez Dra. Iliana de la Torre Rosés Lic. Lourdes María Expósito Boué Adriana Mojena Mengana
- Diagnosis of Inermicapsifer madagascariensis in Guantánamo provinceAuthors: Lic. Vilma Correa Blanco Dra. Marina del Carmen Sánchez Romero Lic. Yanet Morales del Castillo Gómez Lic. Lourdes M. Expósito Boué Dra. Iliana de la Torre Rosés
- Effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in patients with peptic ulcerAuthors: Lic. Yenileidy García Turro Lic. Yaneisy Gámez Urgellés Lic. Eglis Quiala Ducas Lic. Yadimil Bou Lobaina Lic. Mercedes Hechavarria Salazar
- Cumulative academic efficiency of the first Cohort of students from the Faculty of Medicine of Huambo, AngolaAuthors: Dra. Aracelis García Pérez Dra. Cezaltina Nanduva Kahuli Antonio Mendes Sambalundo Rafael Balbona Brito Dra. Elisa Gálvez Cabrera
- Evaluation of the prevention program for anemia with from abnormal erythrocytes, from 1989 to 2013 in GuantánamoAuthors: Dra. Norkis Campos Cuevas Dra. Yadira Ruiz Juan Lic. Maria Magdalena Calvo Díaz Lic. Tatiana De las Mercedes Évora Gournalusse Hector Raymond Lobaina Lic. Tatiana Lourdes Abad Lobaina
- Chronic gingivitis, its association with some risk factorsAuthors: Giorleydis George Sánchez Carlos Iglesia Góngora
- Morbidity in patients with nonspecific febrile syndromeAuthors: Lic. Lissette Singh Chuy Lic. Marelis Lewis Oquendo Lic. Maura Sarret Ramos Lic. Niurdis Columbié Colás
- Artificial respiration associated with pneumonia in the ICU at the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto”, GuantanamoAuthors: Luis Antonio Gan Fong Reinaldo Elías Sierra Dra. Katiuska Cecilia García Mariño Max Santiago Bordelois Abdo Dra. Elisa Isalgué Rodríguez Karla Elías Armas
- Severe pneumonia in pediatric intensive care. Study of some variablesAuthors: Juan Antonio García Alvarez Leonard Gabriel Upanda Cristóbal Arguelles Mesa Dra. Lissette Cristina Dorsant Rodriguez Dra. Yadira Ruiz Juan
- Event risk of acute diarrheal disease in Guantanamo province. Epidemiological stratificationAuthors: Remigio Segura Prevost Dra.Yanelis Galvez Velazquez Dra. Idania Reyes Matos Dra. Damaris Gómez Torres Eduardo Sánchez Lara
- Knowledge and expertise in writing scientific articles in health professionalsAuthors: Lic. Daliana Durán Morgado Lic. Marianela Noa Legrá Lic. María Cristina Muguercia Llácer Lic. María del Rosario Parra Castellanos
- The Proposal of algorithm for the study of the subject Metabolism and its Regulation in the subject of Human Morphophysiology IVAuthors: Dra. Gladys García González Dra. Aimé Figueras Savón Lic. Caridad Carnet García
- Right diaphragmatic hernia in pregnancy. Report of a caseAuthors: Carlos Fernández Illas Dra. Amara Cintra Pérez Servio Tulio Cintra Brooks Lic. Aracelis Fiffe Pérez
- Krukenberg tumor. Report of a caseAuthors: Gilberto Suárez Labori Alberto Leyva Soler Adrian Salvent Tames
- Natural physical agents in therapeutic anti_ stressAuthors: Yorvis López Santana Lic. Yaily Díaz Berasategui Lic. Yamiselis Cintra Hernández Dra. Yanicet Villar Rojas Dra. Dixiana del Carmen Planche Rodríguez
- Urethral cancer. Up dateAuthors: Leonardo Savón Moiran Higinio Viel Reye
- The Cuban family in oral health-disease process. Theoretical notesAuthors: Lic. Aide Fernández Cantillo Lic. Yanorki Costales Ramos Lic. Camilo Macías Bestard Dra. Lianne Marisela Valiente Matos