Archived Papers for Journal
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Vol.V, No.2
Publisher: National Museum of History of Moldova
Publishing Date: 2011-10-10
- Marriage institution during middle ages: obstacles and prohibitions. Exploration of historical anthropology and comparative studiesAuthors: Lilia Zabolotnaia
- Wallachian great boyars in the process of transition from „the old agrarian feudal system” to „the new era of bourgeois revolution”. Critical review of the Stefan Zeletin’s political and economic conceptionAuthors: Bogdan Bucur
- Salt trade in Bessarabia in the context of the inclusion of the province in the economic system of the Russian Empire (1812-1850)Authors: Andrei Emilciuc
- An Imperial Eye to the Past: Byzantine exhibitions in the State Hermitage museum, 1861-2006Authors: Yuri Piatnitsky
- Some considerations about the location of Vicina (the late 13th - the 1st half of the 14th centuries) reflected in the Romanian historiographyAuthors: Silvia Barcaru
- Considérations concernant le titre et le statut politique-juridique international des dynastes de la Dobroudja du XIVe siècleAuthors: Vasile Mărculeţ
- Veprova-Puţintei village, Orhei county – chronology and bordersAuthors: Mihai Onilă
- Orhei district Maşcăuţi hermitage („al lui Albu pârcălab”) and Maşcăuţi estateAuthors: Sergius Ciocanu
- Some considerations on the age and origin of name in light Ungheni written documentsAuthors: Vasile Iucal
- Historic events from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries attested in notes from manuscripts and old books from the Principality of MoldovaAuthors: Igor Cereteu
- Cantemir’ s wills. Case Study (XVIII - beginning XIX centuries)Authors: Alina Felea
- Legislative basis of secondary education in the Russian Empire in the modern eraAuthors: Tatiana Chicaroş
- Impact of the high taxes imposed upon the population of Romanian principalities during the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812Authors: Irina Cereş
- Certains aspects de la politique impériale russe dans le commerce avec la Principauté de Moldavie (1812-1859)Authors: Silvia Pantaz
- About changes in the mentality of the Bessarabian nobility during 1830-1840sAuthors: Cristina Gherasim
- Pastoral-social service of the Metropolitan Gabriel Banulescu-BodoniAuthors: Nicolae Fuştei
- Petitions of the Bessarabian nobility for the teaching of Romanian language in schools of the provinceAuthors: Dinu Poştarencu
- Censorship, library and books (the 19th century)Authors: Maria Danilov
- New data on Alexander Sturdza from Odessa archives (two unpublished letters of the middle of 19th century)Authors: Alexandr Ponomarev
- Jewish colonies in Bessarabia in the 19th centuryAuthors: Valentin Tomuleţ
- The first manifest of 1864 against a possible unification of Bessarabia with RomaniaAuthors: Ion Varta
- Pages from the history of hotels in Bessarabia. Deltiologic research (2nd half of 19th - early 20th centuries)Authors: Ana Griţco
- Advertisements of trading houses and shops in the Bessarabian press (the late 19th - early 20th centuries)Authors: Vera Serjant
- Le rôle et le place de femme-joaillerie dans l’évolution de l’art décorative du Moldova (1960-1990)Authors: Liliana Condraticova
- From the history of legal institutions in MSSR (1978-1991)Authors: Nicolae Gîrbu
- Crises of the totalitarian-communist system and aggravation of conflict states in MSSR (1985-1991)Authors: Ovidiu Turtureanu
- The “Luceafărul” Republican Theatre for Children and Youth: Pages of HistoryAuthors: Vera Stăvilă
- Le progrès accomplis dans la réforme macroéconomique dans les pays de la CEI. Recherche comparée avec l‘appui sur la réforme agraire en République de MoldovaAuthors: Octavian Zelinski
- The flags derived from the state flag of Republic of MoldovaAuthors: Silviu Andrieş-Tabac
- Collection of badges from the National Museum of Archaeology and History of MoldovaAuthors: Olga Shchipakina
- Code of ethics of museums – main operating base of contemporary museumAuthors: Gheorghe Pisica
- Memorial museum in the Republic of Moldova: typology and classificationAuthors: Sergiu Dobrea
- Historical museum and scientific research: technology of the interactionAuthors: Elena Ploşniţă
- Pedagogy of Cultural Heritage: between illusion and realityAuthors: Lucia Marinescu
- On a museum exhibition “The Universe of Calendars”Authors: Elena Ploşniţă