Archived Papers for Journal
Journal Boliviano de Ciencias >>
Vol.19, No.54
Publisher: Universidad Privada del Valle
Publishing Date: 2023-12-22
- Journal Boliviano de Ciencias Vol. 19 Nº. 54Authors: Universidad Privada del Valle
- EDITORIAL NOTEAuthors: Pablo Arce Maldonado
- Technologies 4.0 involved in technology-based startups in Latin AmericaAuthors: Melody Daiana Gutierrez Merida Lucas Mateo Villafuerte Mercado Adriana Gabriela Rosales Ramos Jhoel Ariel Espíndola Perez
- Management System based on the 8-phase model for an instrumentation and control services company in Santa Cruz, BoliviaAuthors: Carlo André Peinado Bazán
- Inspection Plan Based on Criticality Matrix and Failure Frequency for Dairy Production EquipmentAuthors: Abel Benjamin Humacata Castrillo
- Electronic device to support the initial learning of Braille ReadingAuthors: Yamil Condarco Calderon
- Analyses and calculation of the extreme event discharges with stochastic storms in the Misicuni basin – Cochabamba, BoliviaAuthors: Claude Le Noir Andres Cardoso Velasco
- Analysis and projection of the compressive strength of concrete, using fine and coarse aggregates of construction and demolition waste (CDW) from the EMAVERDE pilot plantAuthors: Rodolfo Angel Aliaga Choque