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Analyses and calculation of the extreme event discharges with stochastic storms in the Misicuni basin – Cochabamba, Bolivia

Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.19, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 77-113

Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The calculation of the maximum flows through the stochastic generation of elliptical storms within the Misicuni basin was realized with the specialized software IT-LluviaNH and IT-Inundación from the Inter-American Development Bank written by the platform CAPRA (Probabilístic Evaluation of Risks and Vulnarablitiy) from the Andean University of Colombia, obtaining the characteristic PADF curves and 300 stochastic storm scenarios on the basin evaluated in the hydrological and hydrodynamic models resulting in hydrographs at the level of dam and sub-basins for different return periods.

Last modified: 2025-02-20 23:08:59