Archived Papers for Journal
Science and Education >>
Vol.2, No.ST
Publisher: Open Science LLC
Publishing Date: 2021-06-15
- The development of comparative linguistics and its historyAuthors: Zebiniso Abdullayeva; Dilshoda Turdiboyeva; Zulfiya Xaytarova
- Using proverbs in teaching English to develop logical thinking of learnersAuthors: Sudoba Aminova; Sugʻdiyona Rahmonova; Mexriniso Mamasharifova
- Semantic analysis of the linguistic landscape of the world of the integration of religious mythological thinkingAuthors: Shakhzoda Akbarovna Maksudova
- Usage of teaching methodology in a foreign language conversationAuthors: Ahrorjon Normurodov; Jaloliddin Dusmurodov; Akbar Idiev
- Overcoming difficulties in teaching English as a second language to adults, multilingual settings and teaching techniquesAuthors: Komiljon Khujamov; Barno Khudayberdiyeva; Shakhlo Madrasulova
- Modern pedagogical technologies in the context of distance teaching: based on the materials of training university studentsAuthors: Durdona Khojamberdiyeva; Nozanin Ergasheva; Mokhidil Mavlonova
- Syntaxeme analysis of subordinate components in simple sentenceAuthors: Rukhshona Artikova; Bibimaryam Khabibullaeva; Nilufar Boltaeva
- The peculiarities of using distance learning and independent work in teaching processAuthors: Zarina Khidirova; Khidoyat Ibragimova; Nilufar Ernazarova
- Learning English as a second language, multilingual setting and teaching techniquesAuthors: Obidakhon Ganieva; Gulrukh Uralova; Diyor Khodjiev
- Some modern techniques for teaching English vocabularyAuthors: Kumush Samadova; Nozimakhon Ashurova; Muhabbat Rajabova
- Teaching methodology of conversation and its usage in a foreign languageAuthors: Shexroz Davronov; Javoxir Juraev; Nigina Ismoilova
- О современном опыте, проблемах и достижениях дистанционного обучения в вузеAuthors: Мархабо Кулмурадова; Сохиба Джуманова; Жасурбек Суяркулов
- Distance education in Uzbekistan and its development prospectsAuthors: Islam Rakhmonov; Shakhzodabonu Eshmirzayeva; Ziyoda Latifova
- Usage of modern pedagogical technologies in the distance teaching: based on the materials of training university studentsAuthors: Zarnigor Abdurakhmanova; Jasmina Saloyeva; Ozoda Ro'ziyeva
- Teaching techniques and difficulties in teaching foreign languages as a second language to adultsAuthors: Sabrina Uktamova; Mekhrangiz Doniyorova; Dinora Boltayeva
- The peculiarities of using distance learning and independent work in teaching processAuthors: Gulchehra Hasanova; Sitora Raxmatova; Sevarabonu Makhmudova
- Usage of media and technology in the foreign language classroomsAuthors: Dinora Abdiqunduzova; Sitora Bozorova; Durdona Jabborova
- Rise the American short fiction and its developmentAuthors: Shakhzoda Baratova; Dilnoza Yuldosheva; Shaxnoza Xursanova
- The role and influence of feedback at foreign language learning achievmentAuthors: Farida Djavairovna Akhmedjanova
- Conceptualisation of part of a sentence (in example of English)Authors: Umeda Fakhritdinovna Khodjieva
- Intercultural problems of the English and Uzbek languagesAuthors: Shakhnoza Farhodovna Ro'ziyeva
- The role of grammar in speech activityAuthors: Sabina Akmal qizi Ismatova
- Classification of grammatical categories in Uzbek and English languagesAuthors: Adiba Ziyodulla qizi Niyazova
- Syntactic and semantic analysis of trivalent syntactic unitsAuthors: Nigora Aslamovna Kodirova
- English and Uzbek textbooks and their analogiesAuthors: Fazilat Pardaboyevna Bobonazarova
- Discursive actualization of the English fairy taleAuthors: Nigina Anvarovna Djabbarova
- Syntactic-semantic analysis of divalent syntactic unitsAuthors: Nasiba Naimovna Mavlonova
- Лингвистические особенности научно-технических терминов в английском и русском языкахAuthors: Мохинур Уктам қизи Уткирова
- Ingliz va o’zbek tillaridagi somatik frazeologizmlar qiyosiy tahliliAuthors: Bolbekova Jaloliddinovna Ug'iloy
- The main directions in linguistics and modern methods of 19th and 20th centuriesAuthors: Muxibaxon Amirovna Ulmasova
- Substantial-semiotic decision that determines the sounds of words scientific templateAuthors: Nargiza Sirojidinovna Mirzayeva
- Prague structuralism methodological principles and practice of language investigationAuthors: Mokhichehra Axmadjon qizi Eshboyeva
- Linguocognitive bases and scientific interpretations of normative means of activityAuthors: Nigora Soliddin qizi Ne'matova
- Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида парселятив ва иловали қурилмалар дерривациясиAuthors: Хаёт Исмоилович Рузийев
- The project method as a way of organizing independent workAuthors: Iroda Zayniddinova; Shakhzoda Rabbimova; Shakhnoza Mingboyeva
- General information about English literatureAuthors: Nigina Ismoilova; Samandar Dovurov; Diyora Khalimova
- Games in teaching foreign languages and methods of conducting at the initial stage in secondary schoolAuthors: Nuriddin Yusupov; Nargis Yusupova; Muhammadbobur Eshmamatov
- Антик давр юнон адабиёти ва Ҳомер ижоди тўғрисида Ҳеорг Фридриҳ Ҳегелнинг фикрлариAuthors: Нуриддин Очилович Юсупов
- Some modern techniques for teaching English vocabularyAuthors: Mahliyo Shakarova; Sabina Boratova; Muhlisa Yoldasheva
- Research and implementation of multilingual automatic text abstracting methodsAuthors: Sukhrob Kholikulovich Khushvaqtov
- Advantages of writing measurable course objectivesAuthors: Madina Halimovna Khakimova
- Lexico-semantic features of derived words in the English languageAuthors: Munira Ibragimovna Mirzaeva
- Некоторые лингвисические особенности латинских афоризмов в произведениях Данте «Новая жизнь» и «Божественная комедия»Authors: Азизбек Рустамов; Дилнавоз Насриддинова; Мадина Синдорова
- Angular distributions of scattered Ne and Ar ions at the grazing incidence on the InGaP (001) <110> surfaceAuthors: U.O.Kutliev; M.K.Karimov; H.E.Abdikarimov; G.Sh.Turayeva